Friday, August 6, 2010

What is a good range for my rifle to be set at for deer hunting in kansas, open fields, i have a 7mm?

would 100 yards work or should i set it at 200 and then work off that what would be best, i know under the right conditions it will shoot 500+ easy but i wont need that range unless i go elk huntingWhat is a good range for my rifle to be set at for deer hunting in kansas, open fields, i have a 7mm?
It's important to look up the ballistics chart for the exact manufacturer and bullet you will be hunting with. I shoot Remington 7mm mag accutip 150 gr sierra boattails. At 200 yrds I'm hitting 2.5'; high which puts me dead nuts at 250. A normal range for open country Mule Deer hunting.What is a good range for my rifle to be set at for deer hunting in kansas, open fields, i have a 7mm?
Setting for 200 yards for a hunting rifle is normally the best option. You will be almost 2 inches high at 100 yards, but that isn't going to impact the actual effectiveness of your shot placement. I've had shots form 30 feet to near 400 yards (hunting in Idaho,various terrain), and having that 200 yard ZERO means 300 yard shots are minor adjustments and even near 400 it is easy enough to hold over slightly. Even with a magnum cartridge( I have a 300 WSM also) you don't have a bolt of lightning past 400 yards,so ALWAYS TRY to stay within that range. A 7mm Mag is nearly an exact match for 30-06 for velocities with same weight bullets--only advantage is the BC and sectional densities slightly favor the 7 Mag in some regards.

If you have a 7x57 Mauser, then your range is less.
That would depend on the cartridge your rifle is chambered for, and the load you're using, as well as the game you're hunting.

I'd like to point out, for what seems like the jillionth time, that saying ';7 mm'; really isn't saying anything at all. There are a large number of cartridges in that bore size. But as a hint towards what you're asking about, one of my favorite deer-hunting rifles is in 7x57 Mauser, and the load I normally use is zeroed at maximum point blank range for that cartridge, load, and purpose: 235 yards. If you have something flatter shooting, you can extend that a bit. I find most folks are surprised at how far MPBR is for what seems a rather mild cartridge, if they ever bother to figure it out.
Most good rifleman set their scope for 200yds if they shoot 100-300yds normally unless you have a fancy BDC scope. You can also range your scope at 100-500yds and write the clicks on tape of your stock if you have a range finder or mildot system or range system in your scope.
set it for 200 yrds, and you find one closer or farther. you can set it on the fly.... most scopes adjust 1/4 MOA.. which means minute of angle.. 1 minute is 1'' at 100yrds. so 1/4MOA is 1/4'' @ 100 yrds....

200yrds is 2'' and 300yrds is 3''.. so on and so forth...

if this makes sense and you know the exact distance of the animal.. you can make a shot at any distance. cold bore! lol

farm land and creek bottoms,,we hunted bean fields at cherry vale se,ks,,,,every miles a road in blocks,, drainage in center ceders an bois d arc called hedges,, visability in drainage 2 ft,,deer worked edge of brush always 400- 500 plus, only cover ,, truck ,,bar ditches,, didnt take spotting scope an watched some big ones running does,,just out of range,, shot preventer was 14 inches of snow,, ended up building snow blind an taking good buck ,,most other weed grown fields 200 yrd fine,,
10O is best for places in the east where its all woods and wont have to take a shot over 300 ... i would set it for 200 and thats the best for your situation
Open country, 200 yards. Get the charts for your exact ammo and make a little 'cheat sheet' for 100, 300 and 400. I usually tape my sheet on my scope cover.
HUNTING SUCKS!!! Ever heard of the saying ';Do onto others as you would have them do on to you';??
200 250 should be plenty i took one out in kansas last year at 300 though
Zero it for 200 yards.
  • make up lipstick
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