Saturday, August 21, 2010

If I get a felony exsponged from my record can I own a deer hunting gun?

You need to check the laws in your state.If I get a felony exsponged from my record can I own a deer hunting gun?
if it is expunged, it is as if it never happened.

On a job application if they ask you 'have you ever been arrested?' you can even answer NO because all parts leading up to the felony conviction are gone as well.If I get a felony exsponged from my record can I own a deer hunting gun?
No, the only way to obtain your rights to own a firearm is either through a governors or presidential pardon.

Having the felony expunged from your record does not reinstate your right to own firearms. You must be fully pardoned.
yes you should be able to get a gun,,, and a hunting license,, also a bow is considered a weapon ok a lot will depend upon your age and the offense of said crime ok thanks eddie
yeah you can if not you can hunt with a bow
Maybe. Are you going to buy it or steal it?
Not going to happen you can't get a felony expunged.

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