I mean, what's the problem with killing these ginger rats?Fox hunting - just a harmless bit of fun?
Yes you can kill them, it also helps the population because if the foxes ate all the food, then the rest would starve and die, and so would those who ate all the food... HUNTING IS FUN!!! GIVE IT A WHIRL!!!Fox hunting - just a harmless bit of fun?
Not for the foxes or the horses - or the farmers who's land gets trampled all over.
Lamping is a more humane way of ';pest'; control but only if done by someone who is a good shot and can dispatch of the fox with a single shot.
For all the tally hos out there who enjoy the sport there is no excuse not to take up drag hunting (where the dogs simply follow the scent of a cross country runner) get exactly the same experience without a fox having to meet his maker!!
I use hounds for coons and bobcats, why not foxes. The silver foxes we have here will tree. If you hunt anything you better stand up for all hunters. Right now it is houndsmen they are after, next it will be bowhunting. Then rifle hunters, soon after you wont be allowed to use hooks while fishing. Here in Oregon I am still aloud to run a trap line. That is after many hours of course study and testing. Even still it is heavly regulated. I only use live traps, not because I am worried about some foxes foot but because I don't like to catch hounds and such. However I would rally for any persons hunts and traditions. I think hunters need to be more united to preserve our sport. Also don't brag to peta types. For instance I see people all the time with deer in the bed of there trucks during season. Cover em up. Don't swat the beehive of liberalism. We are all ready loosing places to hunt lets not lose the right.
Fox hunting is more of a social event than a sport, It is more humane to shoot them if you are a good shot. They are vermin and if you have seen the damage they do at lambing time you would agree that they need to be destroyed. I must admit that any of the anti hunt people I have ever met never lived in the countryside and were bussed to the hunts, they were give money to go and provided with lunch, what student can pass that up(drink money)
I don't have a problem with killing them, it is just the brutal manner in which it is done.
If they were to shoot foxes that would be an entirely different matter.
As one guy said it's best to lamp them with a rifle. A .223 in the right hands is very effective.
The next task is to find and cull the cubs should you shoot the vixen.
eradicate them all, but not by hoo hah henries on horses, one got into my allotment and killed 21 ducks, and 19 chickens, total carnage, they just kill for the sake of it.
I get $35 for their hide so yes it is fun that pays for its self.
it pays for its self, its a blast, and its not for cityfied people, i love it
you r so right...iv had to shoot a few for killing my chickens...they attacked my neighbors sheep..
Question obviously designed to get a reaction...
Foxes are not the flea- or germ-ridden animals that people think they are. I have worked in animal shelters and helped care for these animals after humans have got hold of them and there is certainly nothing humane or 'harmless' about fox hunting.
Fox hunting goes against every single quality which we call human... It is deliberately torturous and cruel and of absolutely no benefit to anyone...how does it help have hundreds of horses and hounds tear around the countryside, trampling woodland and farmland (and sometimes peoples' own gardens), on the search of one tiny fox so they can exhaust it and rip it shreads? seems an awful waste of money and energy to me..
Plus the pompous and arrogant attitude that these hunters have is also pathetic.
i see you don't really have a clue about animals......rats?? who gives anyone the right to play God plus OK controlling them is one thing but to kill them by dogs tearing them apart sure hey why don't we give you a wee whirl on that!!!!!! hunting is for people who are vicious and have a thirst for blood
I think that killing for fun is disgusting- I mean, look at the way the foxes are killed- its horrible.
There are so many other ways to have fun than to kill animals!!
obviously the person who decided to ask this question wanted a reaction
you just give em it !
is there any reason why you can't ask this in yahoo UK.....we do not hunt fox the same way here
Troll, yawn.
if you call that fun then you must be sick
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